Small'n'nice bits. Mostly around interior.

During all this long long term build (started on 2013, oh yeah) I haven't paid that much of attention to interior, except maybe roll cage installation and component placing around it. I do identify roll cage as entirely another section from an effort perspective and "security" as something very integral at the same time. In a report before, I did stop on bucket seats, which finally, I have two identical, just to be consistent, meanwhile continuity is another pillar, so let's move on!
Small'n'nice bits. Getting momentum and form.

The better days, that's how I would name this period. Just because of very single reason being on table, i.e. when you look at something and feel you've got one more part of that puzzle set in place. Once you have couple of them this becomes gripping hence enforcing yourself to get more. That's a core principle currently how this thing moves on wards. I know you're are not part of it and sometimes it might be hard to relate, so I'll put a list you could follow up.
Burning hours on small things - cooling

You probably heard saying "Evil is in details" which is largely true and I would say this is completely true in perspective of time. Initially I faced how hours were burning massively on a shell restoration and now.. once engine is assembled fabrication of things around it are even more demanding.
Keep burning hours: fuel, suspension and all around

So my life goes in garage where I continuously keep designing things. Or in others words dealing with circumstances in case something does not fit, which to be honest is almost a constant.
It happens so because everything I fit in this car it actually have not been there and probably shouldn't but then again.. hold my beer...
Install of safety roll cage - full spec

Let's talk about safety :D Long time ago when this project has started it did not have crystal clear vision what it could turn into. At least there's one idea I was more than sure it will be accomplished and that is safety roll cage. I could not imagine how may you use this weak mk2 shell loaded with 7 times more power than it was designed for when left factory line, not talking about safety in case of accident.